It could be a virus or spyware, run your anti spyware and anti virus software scans. If you don't have anti spyware or anti virus programs free but effective ones can be downloaded.
Avira personal edition --- anti virus --- freeware
Ad Aware --- anti spyware --- freeware
It could just be some random corruption or invalid shortcut, registry error, etc
You can download glary utilities for free which has a bunch of clean up utilities such as disk cleaner, spyware removal, short cut fixer, etc
Glary utilities --- general computer clean up --- freeware
If they are just legitimate crappy programs you can just uninstall them.
Go to Start
>control panel
>programs and features
start googling every program you do not recognize and uninstall one IF YOU ARE SURE it is unneeded.
Lastly, can you just right click on the icons and click delete?