i have looked alot for laptops and desktops and i've done research into what each component (mainly of a desktop) is. I would reallly like to a nice gaming desktop. My question for you, well first imagine a desktop that runs the 5 toughest games to run for a PC game and then add others into the mix (mainly though i will play PC exclusives and not many that are on all 3 consoles xbox 360, ps3, and PC) i have a set up, i have PS3 for it's exclusives and mainly it's singleplayer experiences, my xbox 360 for it's exclusives, multiplayer, and if a game comes out for xbox 360 and PS3, or xbox 360 and PC, or for all 3. i want a PC for mainly it's exclusives and if i know that a certain game is definitely better on PC to the other two (i.e. Witcher 2). Rewinding, i want to be able to play many games on this monster of a PC but i do not have the money right now for one. I will get this PC over time, but i would like to know, should i build my own PC Desktop, buy a desktop from a store and build onto it to match my needs,or just save up and go out and buy a gaming desktop PC? I want this Desktop to be soley devoted to games and gaming. it willl be internet and gaming friendly only. nothing else, no itunes and other apps i do not need for gaming. So, which is the best option? why? what are my advantages and disadvantages? i may or may not know this question and some of your answers but please act as if i know nothing of PCs and tell me what i should do. Thank you!
P.S. i just want a desktop because i know that they are 10x better for gaming and cheaper but i just know they are better for gaming and you can build onto them.