In Advanced Bios Settings, you should see the heading 'Memory Timings'. Use the Down Arrow key to 'highlight' it. Then press the Enter key. You should see a side menu with the options of 'Auto' and 'User Defined'. Use the Up/Down Arrow/s to highlight-> User Defined. In this menu you should see the 15-5-1-5-5 timings, that you mentioned. Use the Up/Down arrow/s to highlight this. Before you begin, I'd like you to know this is the SPD,(Serial Presence Detect), that is on the ram stick itself. The timings that are already stated. This is the default setting that is set into the ram stick, and has nothing to do with the mobo. Write it down! Write down all settings! If your system crashes, you'll have these numbers to refer back to. You will turn your computer on, and immediately get back into BIOS Setup Utility. You can click on the Function key for every page, to set the values back to default, or change them back manually. If you have the values written down, you will have a backup record of these values, and will know if they indeed, returned back to the default settings. (Sorry about the Run-on!)
Only change one ram timing setting, at a time! Then do a 24hr stability test. Now you can go back, and change another timing. Change anything too fast, or not in small increments, and you're asking for your system to crash.
Changing the voltage to what the ram stick manufacturer has stated it uses, is another story. For this, you can jump right to the voltage needed. BIOS on your motherboard has a default voltage setting. (Ram timings too!) The default setting may not match the ram stick. This is because the ram manufacturer, has already bumped the voltage requirement needed, up.To make the ram meet the 800MHz parameter, they need to make the voltage higher. JEDEC is an organization that sets standards for the electronics community. The standard voltage for DDR2 is 1.8 volts. OCZ has their's set to 2.1 volts to reach 800MHz. Default voltage for your motherboard's ram settings is probably 1.8 volts.
Changed the voltage, and everything run's smooth? I suggest leaving the ram timings alone, or at least for a while. See how your system performs.
If you had EPP,(Enhanced Performance Profile) ram memory, and a motherboard that supports EPP, you can go into your BIOS,and enable EPP. This will automatically set your ram voltage, and ram timings. This is not an automatic feature. You have to enable it in your BIOS setup for this. Should be in your Motherboard Manual on how to do it, if your mobo supports EPP.