2009-06-15 19:20:36 UTC
I'm having to use a laptop at the moment (grr) as my computer has been broken for about 2 weeks now. I've had my fiance and my brother, who both have computer experience, look at it, and we still haven't been able to determine the cause.
So I turned it on about 2 weeks ago and the mouse wouldnt move so I wiggled the plug and nothing happened, ctrl alt del didn't work either so I assumed it had crashed and restarted it. The same thing happened again so I restarted again and got an error message. We tried using the windows disk (I'm not sure of the correct term) and some console commands but it wouldn't work, and from what we could see the computer won't detect the hard drive. I've never had this problem before, it's the same hard drive the computer came with (I've had it since about 2004 I think) and I haven't messed around with any of the settings.
We know my hard drive is working fine because we put it in another computer to test it and it worked straight away. We've also tried replacing the SATA cable with a new one to no avail.
My fiance thinks my entire motherboard is fried and needs replacing, but my brother thinks there's something up with the BIOS (? If thats a thing, I think that's what he said...). So with them pulling in different directions over this I'm not really sure what to do about it.
Could I have a 3rd, 4th, 5th etc opinion from any of you geniuses out there? =] If you need any more details just ask and I'll do my best to answer =]
Thanking you!