2007-01-22 14:30:07 UTC
about 7 months ago
i had a gigabyte MoBo with a 2.8 p4 a 40 gig and a 80 gig ide hard drives. when i restart my computer it wouldn’t detect my hard drive so it wouldn’t boot up. if i pulled out the ide cables and plugged them back it in would work for a few minuets then crash and restart and the same problem it wouldn’t detect the hard drives. So I ask the IT guy at my work and he said it sounds like my ide controllers are going out. He didn’t tell me how to fix the problem so i decided to replace the mobo.
i have since then replaced my gigabyte mb to a asus and now ia have a 80 gig and a 160 gig sata hd. and i am getting the same problem
any idea what it could be?