well just to some things up for you, a PC is a personal desktop, not really an operating system, Windows, is an operating system, an theres over 3000 operating systems out there. It depends what you need and what your budget can accomodate Plus sides to Mac OSx Secure, based on UNIX, very few virus' powerful, easy to use GUI (graphical user interface) powerful programs which apple can provide for you (some of these programs television and movie editors will use) run windows in mac os x, at the exact same time through virtualization or something called boot camp. you just buy a copy of windows (which ever version youd like) then install that into a program called VMware fusion, or into boot camp, then thats windows on your machine Cons If you have used windows all your life, it may be a bit confusing to get used to i.e. with the use of one click button mouse an no start bar at the bottom not EVERYTHING is compatible with MAC, i know that virgin media routers arnt, well i dont know if its been updated, but there will be things which wont work since there are no drivers for it COST THE COST OF A MAC IS HUUUUUUUUUUGE Pros of Windows (im going to base this on XP) Well, everyone uses it, the only driver you wont find are for well, nothing, i dont know anything what wont run on a windows based machine everyone uses it, simple GUI with some nice, but not really needed effects cheap and cheerful Cons VIRUS' i dont think i go a week without a message appearing up in the bottom left hand corner from my antivirus saying "we have discovered a virus trojan O|J SIMPSON" or something like that nothing is ever perfected in windows, they just release it when its not fully completed, look at vista, way too many flaws in it, XP, i bet no-one remembers how awful that was when it first came out, windows 7, that seems to be the first time they have ever released a copy of windows, where they actually listened to the Beta testers. Then annoyingly found an actor to say that they told microsoft to do this, just to find out, someone else did across the pond Cost to manage, granted i did say the OS is cheap, but you have to make sure your protected, which is where anti spyware, malware, virus' adware, virus' and trojan, is needed really, id just tell you to go an get Ubuntu, an this is why Cost of the Operating System FREE Cost of the Office Suite FREE Cost of the Image Manipulation Programs FREE only downside is, you might not like the look and feel of it so, and also the programs are free, on windows too, not sure about mac, the office suite is Open Office, and the image manipulation is called GIMP i hope iv helped you abit