What desktop computer should I buy? *Newbie needs help*?
Old Soul Song
2009-05-13 12:59:15 UTC
Hello. I am finding it very difficult choosing a computer from the hundreds of models I am finding online and need some help and advice.

My budget is a maximum of £400. I don't really need a monitor or mouse and keyboard. I aim to use the computer for general home computing. I.e word processing, internet browsing, very light gaming, some light media management.

If someone could please point me in the direction of a suitable system, or a good brand offering this kind of computer I would be very grateful. Thanks guys.
Four answers:
2009-05-13 13:05:49 UTC

Good deal for the price if you ask me.
Larry G
2009-05-13 13:11:13 UTC
When looking for a desktop..if it's something you don't need to play games on..a fairly good pentium with a excellent processor like in the area of 450 mhz to 9 ghz that would be good. Also memory with 512 megabytes or above
2009-05-13 21:12:16 UTC
I build Custom Computers, and your budget is more than enough for me to build you a good computer. The only problem is that I live in toronto, canada and Since your currency is Euro im guessing you live somewhere in Europe and the shipping costs would be high. I could pay a percentage of it if you decide to buy a custom built computer from me.

Email me at if you decide to buy a custom computer.
2009-05-13 13:16:36 UTC
Buy yourself a customized CPU f you don't need a monitor or other peripherals. It will save you cash and also you can get what you want.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.