2010-08-16 12:59:33 UTC
just need to know what the differences are and stuff like that is it worth it to do the upgrade right now
im running a powermac g4 quicksilver 2002 933 mhz processor 1.5gig ram i upgraded the harddrive by adding a second harddrive into it from an older mac
need to know what kind of pci card slots this has some say pci-x, pxi, 64 bit pci
also i have the pioneer cd dvd player burns cds dont know if it burns dvds would like to know
im also interested to know what upgrades i could do to this computer this is what im looking at
upgrading to usb 2.0 need help finding a cheap pci card
adding a sata controller pci card
anything else you guys can think of i can add let me know thanks