Hello toni :) My name is Cyphonik and I will be more then happy to assist you with this problem. I'm assuming that you powered on the computer while you didn't have a video card in the computer? Well if this is the case your computer lost the drivers. we will get these back and should be very easy. right now your computer is using generic drivers to just keep the monitor on and running.
Okay there could be a few problems and we are going to sort them out pretty much through this post, bear with me because it is going to be long as you wanted a lot of detail. Since you are running windows vista please do the following steps.
1. This is to ensure that you only have 1 video card and not an onboard and graphics card both running at the same time.
Go to Start at bottom
Select control panel
top left of the window you will see classic view, please click that
go to device manager
the very top should have your computer name in the list
right click on your computer name and then select scan for hardware changes.
open up everything and make sure there is no ? marks, ! marks or triangles with ! in them. this indicates there is a problem. Our main focus is going to be display adapters
after opening up the part that shows the display adapters you should only see the one for your video card, however, if you see 2 of them that is because your onboard video is interfering with your video card.
If this is the case open up the one for your on board video card and go to disable, this will disable your on board video card, after this please restart your computer and try the game again.
If you only have 1 video thing showing please right click on this and go to update drivers, this will search for updates to your drivers automatically, if it don't find anything please do a google search with the device name and try to find the download manually or just tell me the name in this post and I will give you the link.
2. Your computer is using your onboard video instead of video card.
right click on the desktop go to personalize
go to display settings at the bottom of the new screen
You will see a picture of 2 monitors, one is large with 1 on it and the ohter grayed out with the number 2 on it, under the monitor pictures you will see a drop down box make sure the one for your video card is showing.
Restart the computer and let me know if this worked, if it did not then we have a few other options still to try.