It is unclear what pc is right for you, because depends what your looking for, a laptop or a desktop, and you should of also included your price range. I'm not an expert at computers, but a good laptop with tax is 950 total with the right upgrades and using the coupon code WHITE100 or JULY4SALEHP (same price off) gives you 100 dollars off the total price, plus the instant rebate, and that's like 300 bucks with no catch.. heres the link, i suggest you upgrading the gcard to geforce gt 650m 1gb or 2gb, better resolution (would be laggier, but would look great) and backlit keyboard, because the keyboard is only 25 dollars more for the upgrade. if you go to places more, than a laptop would be perfect, and that's why I like them. and its better than my friends desktop, which are around the same price. i have the specs on one of my resolved answers in my y a profile.
hp computers have a good rep, but they have bloatware (not a big deal) and some heating issues. i also warn you that the blue ray drive is misaligned, but no biggie. look at some gaming benchmarks on the fps of games with that graphics card (650m) and the cpu benchmarks (the i7). Your welcome!
I'm editing this because i got these upgrades...
bluetooth, nvidia geforce gt 650m 1gb, 750gb hybrid 7200 rpm hard drive, and the backlit keyboard. it comes with a free upgrade to blueray player... see the full specs on the website. now your welcome...
xion, the gcard and the processor just itself would cost over a grand... and you would also have to buy a tower, memory, a monitor, and a whole bunch of other stuff... the 950 dollar LAPTOP i would get can handle bf3 on ultra at 45 fps average, and a lot of other games on high an ultra no lag....