Emphatically YES!
I was a PC user for about 8 years and switched to a mac. Windows is based off of the mac operating system (OS) but only simplier. Want to install a new program drag and drop it to the hard drive, that's it. Last week the lab I work in bought a brand new Dell PC. After installing the program, and several drivers it still wasn't booting correctly. Not sure why, but never had to install drivers on my mac. Viruses, not one problem since I switched 3.5 years ago. Prior to that spent close to 80 hrs with HP support within a 2 month period due to crashes, viruses and conflicts between programs, which as you could ascertain prompted my switch. Not one of those problems with a mac, EVER.
The new macs with Intel chips, can run windows and PC programs if you'd like. You have to log on and off between the mac OS and PC based OS unless you buy an $80.00 program and you can run both systems simultaneously. Personally I haven't run anything on the PC OS but the reviews are good. Macs use MANY of the same keystrokes as PCs. For example to copy something, press open apple (command key) and "c" I believe it is cntl "c" on PC.
I spent close to 6 hours trying to get a lynksys router to work with my parents computers, calling their support team and then coordinating with their internet provider. For the mac, the router "airport" took about 60 secs to get up and running. Everything is just that easy.
Just like Gates took apple's idea for the desk top and turned it into windows, it seems mac is always ahead of the game and Gates and the rest of the PC community are trying to catch up. I believe VISTA is Gates's way of trying to keep up with the USER friendly and highly power OS X Tiger, which will be replaced by the already developed OS Jaguar (it's amazing)
There are two drawbacks. One is if you are programer, you will hate the macs do everything for you, if not sit back and use your extra time to surf the net. The second is more serious and you should definitely consider. While I have not personally experienced this I know a few who have which supports the rumor. That is mac hard drives only last about 2-3 years. While most would say no way to purchasing a computer with that reputation, at least for me, even if that may actually be true, by the time 2-3 years passes, the programs are more advanced and larger which require a more updated computer unless you go all out when you purchase. Secondly, with advances, there are major improvements that happen over this time. I switched from the ibook to the macBook Pro and in just 2.5 years the difference between the two is DRAMATIC. Widescreen, remote control, illuminated key board self adjusting to lighting conditions, built in video cam, magnetic power cord to keep your laptop from being pulled off the table by an inadvertent trip over the power cord, all of which are standard and these little features are just the start. Visit apple.com to get all the spec info you need on the new computers and programs.
FYI my descriptions are based on mac laptops.
There isn't a day I don't use my computer and and not a day I'm not glad I switched. Can't say enough.