2013-03-11 13:36:07 UTC
Now I've been searching for new computers, but I'm not sure I want to spend $1000 or so to buy a new one, when I can upgrade the one I have. I was planning on really just buying a new processor, and a new GPU for the upgrades. I figured that would be about $500-$700 or so.
Anyways, I really just want to make the computer faster, and maybe give it some potential to play some mid range PC games.
My question is, will just upgrading the processor and GPU actually speed up the PC? I know adding some RAM might help, but I think I maxed out the upgradable RAM a while back, but if I got a new processor, would I be able to upgrade the RAM again? I also definitely need to remove some hard drive clutter as well.
Is it even worth upgrading a PC this old at this point, or what. Also, would I need to upgrade more than the processor, GPU, RAM, and OS?
I've never upgraded or built a PC before, but I could handle it, I'm just not sure whats worth upgrading, and not worth upgrading.
Any help would be nice.