Hi, i'm putting together a computer for the first time and I have ordered 4gb of 2000mhz Corsair Dominator GT ram. Unfortunately, the ram is "supposedly" certified for Intel processors using a XMP profile, not BEMP. However, I have read some forums claiming that it does not really matter but i'm still not really sure. My current build involves a AMD 1090T CPU and a ASUS Crosshair IV Formula, my main question is if the ram can still run at the same rated speed and timings on my AMD system? if there are any problems, what can I do to solve them?
It would be greatly appreciated if steps or a guideline is shown so I can correctly install and run my ram if there is a problem.
This is the link for the ram: http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820145317