2017-04-30 16:50:40 UTC
I've no intentions to do any overclocking.
The parts I've decided on so far are listed here: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/B6fT9W
There's a few things I also don't understand when it comes to finding a motherboard, relating to the CPU and RAM. The Intel i5-7500 processor says that it supports two-channel DDR4/DDR3L; does this mean that it wouldn't accept the DDR3 RAM I was hoping to get? If the CPU supports that and I get a motherboard that only supports DDR3, will that cause problems? Do I even need DDR4/DDR3L, or are those just overkill? Is this even something I should be worrying about?
I know I want an ATX motherboard with a LGA1151 socket, but picking out a motherboard seems more complicated than choosing the other parts has been. Can you help me pick one out?
(help with the chassis would be appreciated, as well).
Thank you for any aid you can provide.