Raspberry Pi can do all the things that your laptop can do, plus a LOT more.
1. It has a really powerful video processing chip, so it can handle HD TV or video easily.
2. It has GPIO pins, so you can connect it to real-world electronics (motors, sensors, cameras, GPS, robotic arms, etc)
Look through this blog for inspiring examples of what you can do http://www.raspberrypi.org/
This free magazine has interesting projects and detailed instructions http://www.themagpi.com/
There are only two Raspberry Pis, model A (cheap but limited, for building into gadgets), and Model B (full set of hardware, for experimentation and pilot projects). You should choose a Model B - yu will autmatically be sent the latest version. Some accessories are good to get at the same time - a good quality power supply, and a case, a pre-built SD memory card.