By the way you asked its like Im reading a question by a 12 year old, who's just starting to get into PC. No judgement here, but that thought of mine gets a solid foundation by the fact you wrote poorly too.
My advice, do some research. Why the hell would you need 16GB of RAM for gaming? Even 4GB is enough! Still 8GB is better. GDDR5 that is.
Intel i7 you say? Well there are so many i7 on the market right now. i7-xxxx and i7-xxxxK, major diff is that the K is overclock ready. As I said, better do research.
Graphics card? nVidia is better, but I like AMD more. Looks like you did some research on Graphics! Good, but make sure to get a great CPU too or else it will bottleneck the graphics card.
Thats not all...
What about the motherboard?! Research..
PSU?! Research.. tip: find one thats notable for its good performance and will last long(Cooler Master)..
The case?! Research.. tip: find w the best airflow and w dust filters ready..
Monitor?! Research.. An intel i5 w HD7770 on a 19" w a 1366x768 display can get Battlefield 3 playing max out w 60FPS, but on a bigger display that utilizes 1080p is something different..
HDD or SSD?! Research.. tip: get both of it.. Windows loads below than 10 seconds on SSD.
Seriously, research.
Even so, why are you avoiding the next gen consoles? Fact is that both systems are great hardware consoles, just PS4 gets the slight advantage thanks to its implementation of the 8GB GDDR5 RAM. Still it all depends on the game devs implementing all hardware specs of the console at its best. BUT, PC will always win no matter what. No denying PC hardware, given the money you pour into it, will always become greater.