Yes 8GB is plenty for the avid gamer. I answered a similar question over here shows you I was gaming with my browser and more than a few pc monitors running AND I had Prime 95 running on blend. Prime 95 is used by many to test stability of their overclocked or stock speed computers. It pushes the heck out of your CPU and your RAM when it's on blend. Bioshock 2 with all details on high isn't a lightweight either. I had ZERO issues. 8GB RAM is PLENTY. Looking back I wish I would have also checked on the RAM usage. I guess regardless of the fact that I didn't see the RAM usage numbers I didn't have problems so no worries. 8 will be fine. I was using 8GB of G.Skill 1333MHz CAS 9 RAM.
EDIT: Okay. I went ahead and started Prime 95 on blend(lots of RAM usage), Speccy, CPU Temp, AOL Radio with a few other tabs open including Y.A. of course, had a channel in playing on mute and was playing Batman: AC(options maxed out with 32xCSAA) with my task manager's performance monitor running . I ALT+Tab'd out of Batman: AC and the magic number was only 4738MB. Now I will do a bit of recording with fraps.
I am using a 2500K with an EVGA 570 Classified and 8GB RAM.
With Fraps recording and everything else running including Prime 95 on blend the magic number was 4820MB . This is complete overkill. My PC is using more RAM than what your scenario ever could.
Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to run this little test. It'll help with future questions concerning RAM usage.
Yes Windows 7 is great for gaming. I was a die hard XP gamer for YEARS but finally went kicking and screaming over to Windows 7. Not sure what all my fussing was about now.