2012-09-20 10:56:36 UTC
One is a pretty mobile friendly one, but still really strong, the x51 from alienware, which includes i7 3rd gen and a 1,5GB gtx660 from nvidia. It also has 1TB and 8 GB ram. (im not giving more details, because i dont think its needed, because the computer is primarily for gaming.)
The other alternative has about the same hardware, only i7 2nd gen. and (this is the important thing) a 6870 radeon! It also has 1 TB and 8 GB ram. This pc though has a 60 gb ssd (ssd doent change gameplay itself, only loading time etc.). though i shall say that whether it has ssd or not isnt a big deal, because i dont hate the loading time so much as for this to become a deciding factor. and the 2nd and 3rd gen proc. i dont think does matter either, because i want it for gaming, not programming and so on.
Both pc´s cost about the same.
The big question is which is better, the nvidia 1,5 gb gtx 660, or the 1GB radeon 6870. im thinking about which card is better for gaming, the card´s cooling system and maybe other things that are important that i cant remember right now.
Im not planning to use the card for eyefinity(multiple monitors), maybe at max 2, which both cards shouldnt have a problem with. neither i wanna use it for 3D gaming, that which requires 3D glasses etc., just good "old" powerful graphics. "normal standards".
I´ve read that the cards work with pixels and texels. i know for instance that the radeon card is faster regarding pixels, and the other with texels.
the monitor im planning to use is max 25 inches.
Please give your opinions and explain why! :)