MAC or PC?
2007-03-02 20:00:57 UTC
What are you're opinions on them both ... is a MAC better? I'm getting sick of Microsoft
21 answers:
2007-03-03 22:17:26 UTC
MAC OSX is the BOMB! When Apple integrated the Unix OS with the MAC, it only improved opon an already superior OS than than Windoze!

I'm a Serial MAC Lover and the reasons why...what Rick & Smile & millions have said...

I've been sick of Microsoft from the getgo, ever since MS-DOS 1.0/Win1.0. Working with and troubleshooting Microsoft Windoze products sure keeps shoes on this MAC Lover's dainty feet...job security and all that! So Billy, boy, keep doin' what cha doin', I just LOVE the challenges of fixing NTLDR problems and BSOD's for your clients! Keep those megabuck technical support paychecks comin' Paulie, baby! HEEEYYYAAAHHH!!!

Meanwhile, I'll continue to invest my hard earned cash on my new 17" MACBook Pro, my iPod & iTunes and coming soon to my fevered brow, my iPhone! iYiYiYi!!!!!

The only PC's that I have NOT had too many problems with were the ones that I have built myself and run variant flavors of UNIX on. Whenever I had a problem with one of my legacy Apple MAC's, that I could not solve on my own, I have ALWAYS had SUPERIOR Technical Support from people whose accent I could easily understand. Not to mention the fact that I did not have to endure having extremely long hold times, was able to actually get a straight, logical resolution on the first call. It was nice not having to be asked to perform "System Restore" for most support calls that I have placed over the 27 years I have been using computers like I have for IBM, HP, Compaq, Dell, Gateway, etc...
2007-03-02 20:30:37 UTC
MACs are better. Windows is too unstable. The only people saying that Macs are SO bad, are the people that have never owned one. So im not sure why they are trying to answer this question. And the one button mouse this is dumb, because almost any mouse works for a mac as long as they are usb 2 buttons-4 buttons with a scroll.

MACs are really good at Multi-tasking, I use photoshop, illustrator, listen to music on itunes, IM on YM and iChat, while I have internet Explorer open ALL AT THE SAME TIME. I hardley ever see a hickup in performance. My dads new Dell XPS cant even run the internet without freezing. Its funny because he a tech guy too, and once i let him use my MacBook, he REALLY wished he bought a MAC. And his XPS clicks by itself all the time...we will be sitting in the room watching a movie...and we'll hear double clicks from the PC lol.

I have a HP, and I have Illustrator, photoshop, flash and everything on it, but i can only run Photoshop, if i have anything else open, its getts sluggish.

It depends on the specs of the computer, and what you will be using it for mostly, but I think everyone should own BOTH. Its like trying to say which is better, a Van or SUV, it depends on why you need it, and what you know about them to be able to use them more efficiently.

However.....MACS RUN WINDOWS TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-03-02 20:07:27 UTC
well. that's a 20+ year old battle, but here's how the facts lay out:

1. Mac OS is nicer, more streamlined and secure

2. You will pay a much higher price tag for the same hardware you could get with a PC.

3. PCs are the "standard" for the US, so PCs are the most compatible.

If you have the money, I would go for a Mac, but if you are on a budget, or want the most compatability, etc. go for a PC. And don't even THINK about Linux.
castle h
2007-03-02 20:07:09 UTC
I have both a Windows PC and an iMac. I much prefer the ease of use of OSX on the Mac. For every programme for Windows there is a comparable programme to do the same task on a Mac. If I want to, I could run Windows on the iMac, but see no need to.

I am constantly having to update and tweak and repair the PC. I never have to do maintenance on the Mac.
josiah k
2007-03-02 20:06:58 UTC
I think that more people will be switching to macs. i personally don't like the design of them. I also like the ability to make my PC do what i want it to do. i am an advanced user and i think mac dumbs down a lot of things. but i will never get windows vista. they have so many sucurity things. and you need a heck of a computer to run it good. and i'v herd it is not working to well for gamers. I like XP the way it is now.

you could also try linux. if you havn;t heard of it its a free OS. just search for free linux. it is good because nobody hacks it. there are no viruses for it. the only problem is there are not many programs out there for it. but if you only type word docs, and check e-mail and surf the web that it would be good for you
2007-03-02 20:10:44 UTC
This reminds me of the Mac vs PC ads. The PC dude is so endearing, it makes me go out and buy a PC. And upgrade it to vista. With peripherals.
2007-03-02 20:10:42 UTC
So maybe I'm just non-committal, but I actually find it very easy to use both Mac's and PC's. (Our home computers are both PC's and my work computers are both Mac's.) I think the differences between the two are really overemphasized...

Oh yeah, and that "only one mouse button" thing that people complain about... it's pretty simple to just switch out the standard Mac mouse for any other mouse you have on hand. They all work.
2007-03-02 20:11:37 UTC
Ubuntu Linux. It has everything a Mac does, more than everything a Windows PC does, and is supported by a great community of human beings, being human.
2007-03-02 20:06:37 UTC
Don't be fooled. Macs have some troubles too. Once you learn about handling SpyWare, Viruses and other security issues, you will find that your Microsoft Windows computer works just fine.

Like... Mac people are clueless when their USB or FIREWIRE external hard drives simply Quit Working....

But if you are doing PRINT MEDIA graphics, Macs are great. So that's what you might use.

But if you use Microsoft Office, collaborate with others, or even do Website work, PCs beat Macs hands down. You see, Windows enjoys an 80% market share. So any shared data or resource comes from Windows.. and the Mac users are left out.

Good luck and Happy Computing!
2007-03-02 20:05:46 UTC
I'm a PC guy to the core, but MS can really get on my nerves. So I have windows and when I need to use a clean, fast OS for something. I boot linux Ubuntu from a live CD.
2007-03-02 20:02:54 UTC
MAC, Pc's are overated
2007-03-02 21:58:24 UTC
Hi Mr. Justin,

OK here's my list of things I like about the Macintosh over Windows. I'm sorry that it is so long, but that's how it goes.

* No computer viruses.

You hear from the Windows people that it's because there are fewer Macs out there, but I think it's because of the Mac OS and it's Unix kernel. That doesn't explain why Vista got viruses before it was officially released. The Macintosh comes out of the box as a closed system. If you want it to be networked and remotely operated, you can make that happen, but you have to change it's settings first. Windows machines come out of the box as an open system. That's so the IT guy can set up the hardware, attach it to the company's network, and install the software remotely from the comfort of his own desk.

If you want to install any kind of software onto your Mac, you first need to type in your administrative password. There is no auto-install for a virus to attach itself to your Mac without your Okay. That is the simple answer why there hasn't been any viruses for the Macintosh in the past 6 years. Another is that first year programmers learn how to create simple Windows script viruses their first year of class. Mac programmers simply love their computers and have no desire to create such an abomination. We love our Mac programmers and happily pay what ever they ask for their good, hard work.

* Games.

I enjoy the games that I play on my Mac, but It's true that there simply aren't as many games out there for the Mac as Windows. Hopefully, with the Mac now using an Intel processor, we will start to see more games being developed for the Mac. But, honestly, don't most people simply get their gaming fix by playing with video game consoles (such as NES, PS, Wii, or XBox) anyway, rather than playing games on their computers?

* Software.

There is a lot more software for the Macintosh now, than before Mac OS X arrived. Much of the Mac's new software is simply Unix ports. There is also a large open source and public domain/shareware development community that has been supporting the Mac OS.

You can actually run Unix X-windows on your Macintosh now too. Apple has been designated as the largest distributor of Unix in the world. If you have one of the new Intel-based Macs you can now run Windows programs natively using a program called BootCamp. There is also a Java Virtual Machine for the Mac too.

There's still a ton of programs made specifically for the Mac. Most of these are programmed in C or machine language, so they're lightening fast. Apple watches over their developers closely, to make sure everything runs like it's supposed to; that it runs the Macintosh way. There's also a lot of Windows ports too. I use Microsoft Office on my Mac at work all the time. Although the Macintosh versions of Windows software are way behind in features than their Windows brethren, the Macintosh programs seem to run better, faster and are not as susceptible to problems as the Windows ports. Go figure!

Where the Macintosh really shines is in the creative software area. I'm a printer, so I know that the Macintosh pioneered desktop publishing. I think that most structured drawing, paint/graphics, and music programs got their start here too. Video and film editing and production is now very big on the Mac. Many people complain about how expensive some of these programs are, but frankly, professional programs are always more expensive than the cheaper consumer-level programs that are out there. Stuff like iTunes, iPhoto, iMovie, iDVD, etc. come free with your Macintosh, while other programs are quite affordable.

* Less problems

The Macintosh simply works. There really isn't very many problems using a Mac compared to a Windows PC. Check out the computer questions here on Yahoo! Answers. There are a lot of Windows, "Why can't I get this to work?" questions here. Even though there are a lot of Mac users here, there doesn't seem to be very many Mac questions. Right, it's because the Macintosh is a little more proprietary and you really need to buy hardware that tells you that it's Mac compatible. You can't just buy some cheap hardware, piece it together, and make a Mac, like you can with some PCs. But, then, you don't have Plug-and-Pray either. The Mac simply works.

* Mac OS X

It's a very simple, basic, easy-to-use OS. It's highly graphic, so your kids or your grandmother could learn to use it, and it's also got a terminal, so the geekiest guy can enjoy using it to it's fullest extent. Windows users will recognize many of the same features that they use on their OS, but there are a few things that are strictly Macintosh.

I have loved it because it's always responsive. You throw in a CD and the icon for it pops up on the desktop along with a dialog box asking if you want a specific program to use with it. There's no need to search for drives. If it's a music CD, iTunes launches to play it, a movie on DVD, DVD Player launches. If you plug in your digital camera iPhoto launches to import the pictures.

If you're looking for a file buried deep inside your Macintosh file structure, you can use Spotlight and it might find the file before you're done typing the first three letters of the name.

2007-03-02 20:13:55 UTC
Well, it depends on what you want to accomplish on your you want to engage in graphic design or web development....go the mac route....or if you want the basic word processing and basic computing needs (there are alot)...then go with microsoft. there is also linux, which is great if you understand what you want to do....i currently use linux and microsoft as a dual boot...all my needs are taken care of in this setup.....overall, it all depends on your individual needs
2007-03-02 20:07:35 UTC

I hate the mac's we have in newspaper. Their slower then my PC and it really bugs me.
2007-03-02 20:08:38 UTC
10. If you want to crash your MAC, you don't need to try too hard.

9. You can't get confused about which button to press on the mouse. There is only one.

8. A MAC makes a better paperweight.

7. You don't have to worry about upgradability when you buy your MAC. There is no such thing.

6. You don't need to worry about homework since you'll be so busy trying to work your MAC that you won't have time to do homework.

5. You don't have to worry about learning how to use complex command line parameters. The MAC can't do anything complex anyway.

4. You don't have to worry about Multi-tasking since the MAC can't do it anyway.

3. You don't have to worry about filling up your hard drive. Those

oversized applications will do it for you.

2. If you need to lose weight, buying a MAC will cut in to your food

budget, hence limiting you opportunity to get food.

1. If you buy a MAC, you don't have to worry about over spending. You don't have any money left.

Next round.

# 1 Mac doesn't get viruses that easily compared to Windows, and that is because Mac is unknown compared to windows.

#2 Windows is very vulnerable to virsues and that is because windows gets more attention than Mac. However, would you rob 10% of Pc users to get rich than to rob 90%? That's just a fact there.

Note that windows mean PC.

#3 Mac is limited to softwares

#4 Windows is not limited to softwares

#5 Mac is slower than PC

#6 PC is faster and more advantangeous than Mac

# 7 10% of the world use Mac, while 90% use PC

# 8 Mac uses two OS's at once, windows and Mac OS, and that is because Mac wants more attention by using windows OS

#9 PC only uses one OS, which is Windows, and they're various versions. PC will not run Mac OS, and that is because PC doesn't need Mac OS. Unlike Mac.

#10 Mac plays games, but very limited, while a PC is best known as entertainment computers, plays games to the max and much more.

You decide which one you refer now.

P.S. Anybody who said Mac has a better GPU ( Graphic Card) doesn't know crap about computer... PC has the best and most advance GPU over Mac by far, and that is because Windows needs the best Graphic card to play games. like Mac, they're no good on playing games, so how would they have the best GPU?

Windows is much better. Get a Vista laptop. I recommend Dell over all computers... End of discussion
Jack H
2007-03-02 20:46:28 UTC
mac is more of a laid back company, mostly appeals to elementary school and artistic people, Microsoft is more of like a professional OS. idk, its up to you
2007-03-02 20:04:03 UTC
Mac- no viruses.
2007-03-02 20:34:54 UTC
I like both..
Mark W
2007-03-02 20:03:55 UTC
go with SUSE 10.2 Linux it Rocks!
2007-03-02 20:05:00 UTC
MAC is better

Phillip G
2007-03-02 20:08:34 UTC
YESSSSSSSSSSS MAC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.