Hi, I've recently took a more serious interest into computers and I am interested in making my own desktop to learn and find out more about computers. I have some time on my hands during holidays so I think working though and building my own desktop will teach me more than reading and studying it ever will. I know a little about computers but having researched into it more the little I do know seems to be getting smaller and smaller by the day. I have replaced hard drives and ram on desktop PC's before and I am pretty good at all the software aspects however I can't seem to find a simple guide to building a desktop. I just don't want to make any silly mistakes as my budget won't be huge (around £200 Just to build the tower, I have a monitor, keyboard and mouse from previous PC's)
So what I would love to hear from you guys is an Idiots guide to building a computer or where to find one. I would like my motherboard and CPU to be as high spec as possible for that money. As I know I can upgrade almost everything else at various stages if I feel the need to.
Anyway thanks in advise for your help.
P.s. a list of parts I need would be a great start.Thanks