I feel i can answer this question as ive been on both amd and intel side of the fence i have owned a old athlon x 64 and owned a fx series cpu 8120 and i5 3330
your friends cpu shouldnt have burned out unless hes a complete noob and used the amd stock cooler which is crap and if he gamed on the stock cooler thats his own fault lol,
now intel is
better in terms of power consumption
and performance per watt
and quicker at applications there also quite more expensive for this.
amd are budget orientated
they tend to draw more power then intel
and tend to be slower
however for the price there well priced for what you get.
fx 6300 am3 plus or if you can find it fx 8300
or 760k athlon are the best for gamers fm2 plus platform
Gigabyte 970A-UD3P is board id recomend for fx 6300
and any a88x with heatsinks will be fine for the 760k
people seem to forget though amd had the performance crown for years with there phenom.
now which is best budget amd cpu is the fx 6300
due to its low power and performance per watt also more games are getting more cpu heavy as proof with thief and bf4 and titan fall.
simple reason why is the consoles now have 6 cores they can use for gaming granted these consoles dont have powerful cores but we will see amd chips start to shine more in games then there intel parts so a 6 core amd isnt a bad investment.
amds fx 6300 is a good investment as its on par with a i5 3470 in gaming in applications its not as powerful
though this article is old it shows that in terms of gaming performance isnt huge gap like your friends would have you believe
gaming test
power consumption
people choose intel because they want a bit better performance per watt however if you pair this with a low power performance card like 750 ti nvidia the power worrys vanish in my opinion
people complained because the 8 cores draw way to much power for a gaming rig apart from fx 8300 which is hard to find.
you really only need a fx 6300 and a 750 ti id recomend evga superclocked ( 1 fan model only not duel fan for evga as the duel fan uses a power connector) or palit 750 ti duel fan no power connector as these are low powered cards just came into being recently and will work well with a fx 6300 as the 750 ti is on par with a ps4 graphics however the fx 6300 is cores by far are way more powerful.