2006-05-11 08:27:20 UTC
Intel Pentium 4 630 3Ghz HT or 640 3.2 Ghz HT
AMD Motherboards
Gigabyte GA-K8N51GMF-9 (nvidia 6100) == 4600 (i prefer this)
MSI K8N SLI-FI (nforce 4)
asus a8m vm csm 6150 onbaord gfx slo
Intel motherboads
915 (u all sugest the company bt should have eveything compatible with processor as well as its bios)
I am lot confused abt motherboard, bcoz i want one with 939/dual memory support/ PCIe slots for upgradation/ gud onboard graphics for games/ SATA / with absolutely friendly bios for overclocking/ and compatible completely with processor even wrt system bus
2 X 512 MB PC 3200 DDR 400 transcend/kingston/Corsair i dont know whats better w.r.t. service and gurantee
160GB HDD SATA Seagate/maxtor 7200 rpm
Lite-On SOHW-165S DVD-Writer
Acer Ac715/Viewsonic E71f/Syncmaster 753s heard Syncmaster samsung is gud
headphone/mic (how abt iball)