There are some possibilities that:
1.) Your temperature monitor is malfunctioning.
2.) If it is right, then you must have a very high end CPU with not enough cooling system.
3.) Your cooling system might not be working properly (i.e. fan rotation is not fast enough)
1.) Do it the old-school way: put your hand on the side of your case where the CPU/motherboard is located, and if it feels too warm, then there is a temperature problem, if not, then you have nothing critical to worry about.
2.) If the CPU is actually not that hot, turn off your CPU temperature monitor because it's going to bother you a lot. If you like monitoring it, it's up to you.
3.) If the temp is actually too high and you even put a thermometer right on the CPU and it reads the same thing: option 1: buy a nitro-cooling system since you might have a very high-end CPU; option 2: Buy 1-2 more fans, fabricate your casing (meaning add more holes into it to fit the fans) and add the fans so that there will be enough cooling system, or you can buy another casing that supports more cooling systems.