Brett A
2010-12-10 21:21:15 UTC
- web browsing (can be ignored here)
- gaming
- high end Excel applications with large data-sets
Now, I can buy a quad core Intel i7 950 or an AMD 6 core chip for about the same price. 6 cores sound nice. But what am I risking? I have **always** been an Intel user and therefore never had problems. Of course, I suppose zillions of AMD users will say the same.
Can someone give me a balanced idea. Please, no rabid "Apple-like" debates are wanted - just good sound advice from someone qualified to know. And no, if you have only used PCs for 5 years and never written a big complex Excel model you are NOT qualified to answer. Excel=Microsoft=close-to-Intel to my mind.
My first PC was a 286 and I have had almost every step and variation in between since then (I hate thinking what I have spent - $100 per MEGAbyte of RAM back then). Hence me being a bit jaded about newbies commenting when all they have ever done is download a few MP3s, installed a rogue copy of XP, never worked out a crack code, hacked a secure site and their biggest achievement is to have eventually installed a radio mouse (with help from Tech Support). Mind you, constructive comments from anyone will be read with appreciation.