Hi, i`m looking to buy a new PC! but am lost as everything has changed so much since my last buy. Here is what i want to do with it, I play games i want to be able to play the newer releases NFS,UT3. Drive3r list is endless. I want good GFX and good FPS. I play my bass guitar through music collaboration software live on-line. Big bandwidth usage and the mixing software and VST`s cain the memory and hammer the hard drives. I have a audigy drive 2zs plat giving me the extra inputs in a bay at the front. should i upgrade this or keep this? I also use it for work. alot of word, excel, outlook ect and i need to multitask with software so i would like to be able to use multiple apps at the same time. I have heard that the new, new latest and greatest hardware that's out there at the moment is just way above the average user. I don't want to waste money and I want the best bang for my money. Oh and I want a monitor too. I`m sure you get the idea now LoL
I don't want to spend more than £1500 i`m setting £250 aside for the monitor as i`m pretty certain what i want. so £1250 max less if poss what would you recommend I spend my hard earned Wonga on?
Or maybe I should i spend it on sex, drugs n rock , roll instead :O)
Come on Folks Gimme Some advice and ideas so i don't go out and end up with a thousand pound abacus.