does anyone know what virtual memory is? ?
2009-01-20 15:28:21 UTC
my computer always tells me im low on virtual memory when im on myspace then it gets really slow what is it that i need to do to fix the problem?
Eight answers:
2009-01-20 16:01:41 UTC
When a computer uses up the ram it uses some hard disk space as virtual memory.

If your usinng up your ram doing basic tasks such as web serfing you mite want to add more ram to make your computer run faster
2009-01-20 20:27:50 UTC
Virtual memory, also called page file or swap file, is a file on your hard drive (C:\pagefile.sys by default) that Windows and applications use in addition to physical memory (RAM) as needed.

The rule of thumbs for the size of this file is 1.5 times the amount of physical memory, it is also recommended to make the minimum and maximum size the same to avoid serious fragmentation.

Here are a few examples: 512 MB RAM = 768 MB Page File - 1 GB (1024 MB) RAM = 1.5 GB (1536 MB) Page File - 2 GB (2048 MB) RAM = 3 GB (3072 MB) Page File and so on.

Getting your paging file into shape is a simple operation, if you're confident delving into submenus and manually making adjustments.

In Windows XP, open your My Computer Properties, then under the Advanced tab click on Performance Settings, hit the Advanced tab in the new window, and click on Virtual Memory Change. The paging file should be set to at least 1.5 times the amount of RAM onboard. Many experts caution against any smaller than that. Set both the Initial Size and Maximum Size to the same level. By doing this, you prevent the paging file from growing incrementally and adding to disk fragmentation.

Vista users face a similar procedure. From the Start menu, hit the Computer button on the right, and then right-click on your C drive and choose System. From there, click on Advanced System Settings and under the Advanced tab, choose Performance Settings. Choose the Advanced tab in the window that opens and Change Virtual Memory. Vista users should follow the same guidelines as those with XP machines: keep the Initial Size and Maximum Size the same, but no less than one and a half times the amount of RAM you've got.

Hope this helps guide you


2009-01-21 03:19:51 UTC
Here is what happening when you have a warning sign showing " virtual memory is low warning". Your computer uses physical memory, aka RAM, and virtual memory. Virtual memory is used to simulate more RAM when your computer is reaching its maximum CPU and RAM usage. It very similar to a bucket filling up with water. If your CPU needs water you can bring this resources to it. But your bucket size is limited. The more programs you use and disk space the more water is needed. But you can only deliver the set amount of water because your bucket size is limited. The bucket is your RAM. However, you can use a spare bucket to quickly to help meet the demand. The virtual memory is that spare bucket.

You can change your virtual memory by altering amount of free resources for your computer to use for it, in a sense making the spare bucket bigger. Virtual memory uses free space as a resource. So you can change the the amount free space reserved for the Virtual memory.

When you get to the Virtual Memory menu select the Custom Size check box. Then choose the initial size and the max size. Depending on how much free space you have you can choose what that amount of free space you want. If you are still confused the link below has a visual step by step instructions.

1.Click Start, and then click Control Panel.

2.Click Performance and Maintenance, and then click System.

3.On the Advanced tab, under Performance, click Settings.

4.Under Virtual memory, click Change.

5.Under Drive [Volume Label], click the drive that contains the paging file that you want to change. In most computers its C:

6.Under Paging file size for selected drive, click to Custom size check box. You can enter the amount of memory you would like to reserve for Virtual memory by entering the initial and maximum size.

7.Click Set

Hot tip: Keep the initial and maximum size the same to cut down on your CPU access. This will stop your CPU from constantly change your Virtual memory paging size. Also set the size 1.5 times higher than your physical memory.

Hope this helps!
2009-01-20 15:46:23 UTC
Ok all of the other answers are only part correct. First of all Virtual Memory is a temporary memory storage reserved for programs running at one specific time. Otherwise called RAM memory. Now the way to increase virtual memory is to run a disk defragmenter on your computer.

Basically when files are saved in a temporary memory storage some continue to be there a while after you are done with the program. Sometimes even a week or more. But when they are saved they are scattered on the drives. The defragmenter cleans them up into one folder and file and makes more room on the hard disk. It also deletes all non-running temporary files. Do this for the C:\ drive and all the others that appear. This will boost virtual memory. If this helps at all then your welcome.
2009-01-20 15:36:01 UTC
Virtual memory is the section of hard drive reserved for temporary holding of data from RAM while the machine does other operations, then recovered when required. Right click My Computer and select properties, then performance/advanced. Set up automatic system management. You might get better results by adding more ram as well.
2009-01-20 15:39:23 UTC
in a nutshell its a large temp file that windows uses as RAM. you need to increase the size of the file.

Control Panel






Change (in the virtual memory box)

if its set to custom try selecting 'let windows manage my VM settings' if its already there then select custom and put in the max amount it will let you.

apply, ok, yadda, yadda...
2009-01-20 15:35:43 UTC
Virtual Memory is the memory that the Factory, Dell H.P. or other company puts in your computer, it lets you save your powerpoint presentations, documents, games, and other things like that.
2009-01-20 15:34:13 UTC
This is what it is:

A solution to increasing the amount of VM your PC will use is here:

**Ignore the bit about office, the process for changing VM is the same.**

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.