Go to the " Browsing " section and disable the following three options:
* Disable Script Debugging (Internet Explorer)
* Disable Script Debugging (other)
* Disable a notification about every script Error
One of the possible causes (Technical) : A object was referred and not declared.
2017-01-01 11:45:11 UTC
What Causes Script Errors
2016-10-05 12:44:02 UTC
How To Stop Script Errors
2006-01-29 06:48:47 UTC
Go back and do a system restore back to the most recent date when your computer was working correctly. If that doesn't work, you probably have junk in your computer running in the background, programs that need reinstalling, spyware, and other stuff like that. If so, the answer will take a long time to give for each issue. Try that first. If it doesn't work, come back and ask again.