You had to ask... BUT, doesn't MAC, (funded by Microsoft for $150 million, in 1998) represent the same business model as MS?
I have repaired and maintained computers, of all platforms, since 1965 (mainframes and systems in the Air Force - 20 years), and 'Personal' terminals, PCs, Apples, Macs, since 1979.
I currently service Macs (in an Apple Service Center), and PCs at a co-located shop, plus, donation systems for the non-profits, and private/home schools.
I run 10 computers here, online constantly, Five(5) are Linux on PC hardware, where the old Pentium II 300mhz systems run as fast as the one XP Pro system running on an AMD XP 2.0 processor (1,667mhz).
Four are old Macs. A G3(OS9) laptop, PowerPC 6500/200mhz (OS9), a Beige G3 8600/266mhz tower ( OS X!), and an iMac Blueberry Tray 300Mhz (OS9). Like the Linux systems, they never crash, and all are virus free, hacker proof. Soon, bringing in a slot loading Grape iMac (OS X) that I rebuilt down to component replacements, and am hoping to acquire a G4 or 5 tower, soon.
In fact, the only system that ever gave any problems is the XP Pro system (FAT and NTFS filesystems burn up drives)! Only one with 150,000 "Microsoft Virus Definitions" that includes Trojans, malware, spybots, botware, and more. Has to run ten special programs to remain 'safe'.
The other 70 systems on the shelves range up to 1400 AMD Athlons, and all of them run Linux. Even the 1993 DEC Alpha! Use them all for testing. Six are dual processor systems that run properly in Linux and BSD. MS can't even boot them right.,, all run on 45,000 Linux computers! runs on Linux on 100,000 PCs, clustered! Those Fortune 500's are rich and smart, so I pay attention to their decisions. I profit from their example.
Yahoo runs FreeBSD! Hard to find anyone running anything Microsoft ever made! FreeBSD is just one more Unix Clone, but, it is the pioneer, from BerkeleyUC, circa 1984. Have one or two systems here that have run it.
Linux, BSD (Mac OS X), run 50X faster than Microsoft, so they can run on older hardware, and be equal or even faster than, any 'new' 2 Ghz system running Microsoft.
The 'Nixs are all multi-processing, multi-tasking, concurrent processing, systems, with multiple desktop environments, efficient memory allocation.
Microsoft runs consecutive processing. One program step at a time, in a chain step of fools, until one fool fails, and the whole system comes tumbling down. Also, v e r y s l o w .
I will continue to recommend users try out the LiveCDrom of on just any PC.
But, if they are truly clueless, get a Mac, as, the extra expense is about 13% over a similar outfitted PC, but, Macs have the best service and support for Software AND hardware, on the planet, bar none!
The quality of the Mac is superb, and we still see 7 to 10 year old Macs pulling some good money, as the resale value is stable!
Most PCs are worthless on the market after only three to four years! (CU, August AND Sept. editions, 2006)!
So, folks donate to me their stuff from two or three generations past, and it runs very fast and true, in Linux!