2009-06-20 15:28:03 UTC
Problem i have been having is Computer is ridiculously slow, ive ran numerous Virus/Spyware scans on it with multiple programs. found alot of Trojans and removed them. The Clock at the bottom of the screen is still in Military time which i cannot seem to change back to normal 12 Hr time. Ive hit CTR+ALt+DELETE and brought up process manager and it reads that all my physical memory is used up with the Available Physical Memory is in the 10K area which is abnormal when it says i have a Total Physical memory of 253k, i went to Start then clicked Run and typed "MSconfig" and edited what programs and booted which somewhat sped the comp up but i still have a missing ram problem. Even with no programs running at all even in the background except System Critical programs, process manager is still indicating that all my ram is used up...
Any Ideas, and any suggestion on what to do to fix this issue, do not recommend adding more ram b/c that Willnnotfix this problem i have more then enough for what i need and no programs are running so it sshouldn't be using it all up to begin with