What can I do about my slow computer?
Mark D
2009-06-06 00:44:41 UTC
My mom has a Dell (which in my opinion is her first mistake) that has a total memory of 74.4 GB. 62.8 GB of memory are free. However, despite all this free space on the C: drive, it runs extremely slow. I've tried deleting temp internet files, history, etc... but it helps very little. Any ideas??? The only thing I could think of is it's on a server that is linked to one of the slowest computers known to man, but I didn't know if that would cause the other computer to run slow as well. Help please :)
Eleven answers:
2009-06-06 06:39:15 UTC
If your virus/spyware free, there are a couple things you can do get your computer working faster. If you using your computer for normal stuff and not gaming. You don't always need more RAM you just need to perform a few maintenance task.

First, if you haven't cleaned your registry in a while. This is necessary. Your registry holds all the information regarding updates, installs, un-installs etc. Each one of those events produces a key. That key needs your PC's resources and free space. So, if you clean your registry, you make more resources available for speed. Do a registry scan if you got more than 20 errors you should clean it.

2. Clear your Windows cache files, this is your temporary file. It can grow up to a large volume and stop your computer from using RAM properly. In a sense slow it down by preventing it from using free space.Here is how:

1. Quit Internet Explorer, Firefox, or any other web browser

2. Click Start, click "Control Panel", and then double-click "Internet Options".

3. On the General tab, click "Delete Files" under Temporary Internet Files.

4. In the Delete Files dialog box, click to select the "Delete all offline content" check box , and then click OK.

5. Click OK.

3. Manage your startups. Your excess CPU usage is due to too many programs running in the background. You can cut these to barebones by altering your msconfig. Here is how:

1. Open your Start menu.

2. Click Run

3. In the command screen type "msconfig.exe"

4. In the "system configuration utility",click either "service" or "startup" tab

5. Uncheck all programs that your are no longer using.

6. Click "OK"
2009-06-06 02:03:32 UTC

Below are steps for Microsoft Windows users that should help speed up the computer or determine why the computer is running slow.

Note: If it is just your Internet that is slow see document CH000986 for reasons why this may be happening.

Not enough hard disk drive space

Verify that there is at least 200-500MB of free hard disk drive space. This available space allows the computer to have room for the swap file to increase in size as well as room for temporary files.


Steps on how to determine how much disk space your computer has can be found on document CH000369.


See document CH000528 for additional information about regaining lost hard disk drive space.

Hard drive corrupted or fragmented

Run Scandisk or something equivalent to help ensure that there is nothing physically wrong with the computer hard disk drive.

Run Defrag to help ensure that data is arranged in the best possible order.

Background programs

Remove or disable any TSRs or programs that automatically start each time the computer boots. See document CHTSR for additional information.

Hardware conflicts

Verify that the Device Manager has no conflicts, but if conflicts are present, resolve them.

Issues with Windows XP prefetch

If you have Windows XP try deleting all files in the prefetch directory. These are prefetch files and can lower system resources if loading programs no longer being used. See our prefetch definition for additional information about prefetch.

Issues in Windows 95 / 98 autoexec.bat / config.sys

If you are using Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows 98 and do not plan on running any MS-DOS programs from MS-DOS follow the below steps.

1. Click Start, Run and type command and press enter.

2. In the MS-DOS window type cd\ to get to C:\> and then type ren autoexec.bat and ren config.sys

This will rename your autoexec.bat and config.sys and help make sure memory is being optimized through Windows.

Computer or processor is overheating

Make sure your computer and processor is not overheating, excessive heat can cause a significant decrease in computer performance some processors will even lower the speed of the processor automatically to help compensate for the heat related issues. Additional information about your processor temperature and was of determining how hot it is can be found on document CH000687.

Specific operating system basic troubleshooting

Try running through the basic troubleshooting steps for your operating system.

Erase computer and start over

Finally, if none of the above solutions resolve your issues, it is recommended that you either reinstall Windows and/or erase everything and then start over. Additional information about how to do this can be found on document CH000186.

Hardware issues

If your computer continues to be slow after going over each of the above recommendations it's possible that your computer is experiencing a more serious hardware related issue such as a failing component in the computer. This could be a failing or bad CPU, RAM, Motherboard, or other component.
stupid me
2009-06-06 01:05:51 UTC
First thing. Brands have to go with proper configuration. All companies make laptops which suck as well as those who perform well. But that's my personal opinion, you don't have to agree with it. :)

Second thing.

Why computer goes slow.

1. Due to viruses or anti virus softwares.

2. Due to temp files ofcourse.

3. Due to several unwanted programs/services running in the back ground.

4. Several unused icons, files etc on the desktop.

5. You may need to defragment your disk, but seeing that only 12 GB of space has been used, I don't think this can be the real culprit.

What I do.

1. I try to first remove any unwanted software from my computer.

2. I prevent any self starting softwares like yahoo messanger, gtalk, outlook from being automatically started. I do it by running command msconfig on windows and selecting the startup tab. I make sure that only those services are selected here which are really needed, like the internet connection, anti virus etc.

3. I clean the desktop. Move all shortcuts and unwanted programs in a separate folder.

4. If run full scan of sytem by any anti virus to make sure that no virus is using all my resources.

You can too try them. They are relatively safer as compared disk defragmenting and all.

Good Luck!
2009-06-06 22:58:22 UTC
I put together this "instructable" or guide that will help tremendously with your computer problem. There are 29 different ways to speed up your computer in here, and you don't have to do all of them! Take a look, you won't regret it.

In this Instructable I will show you a few tips to make your computer run a lot faster. The great thing about this guide is, everything you'll see is free! This can also benefit you in more ways than one. Each step is a separate way to clean up your computer. These are all great steps and I hope that you take the time to read them.......

William K
2009-06-06 00:53:02 UTC

can you please do the following to sort ALL your problems :-

Download CCleaner, install it and then run it, this will safely delete all your temp files etc for you, then reboot back into safe mode again (press F8 as it boots up) and defrag your hard drive to get all your free space back again, I think your system is full of rubbish and just needs a good cleanup.

CCleaner will also clean your reg files correctly as well, but please remember to reboot between doing a disc cleanup and a reg cleanup.

Defaggler will defrag your drive quickly and cleanly.

This will help you, (I promise).

This is a completely free download and will not harm your system in any way.

That will sort out your HDD problems.

i still think you have errors on your HDD unit so also do this please :-


start > run then type chkdsk C:/F and press enter ). you will now be asked to reboot your system as it boots up it will start to check your drive with scandisk and then fix any errors you have as well.

hopefully that will sort all your problems (and get me 10 points please)
2009-06-06 00:54:44 UTC
-Defragment your laptop's hard disk drive.

-Add more ram, If you're using vista, remove unnecessary startup programs in windows defender.

-Add more ram, if you're computer runs on just DD2 667, try adding DDR2 800 if your board supports it, also. a ram higher than 2 gb nowadays is a good move to make.

-try replacing your video card with an ATI HD4670. if it's a pc. it's a card that costs less than 80 dollars.
Der Sheismeister
2009-06-06 00:51:29 UTC
you gave the rom

read only memory

but what you need too know is RAM

random access memory

ram is what i used to run programs

and what is the os if it's slow i'm guessing windows vista

takes an entire gig just to run vista and how many apps/programs are running on the toolbar on the bottom those all take up ram
2016-09-14 05:28:55 UTC
Well in close to all groups, your web is actually plugged into a few field on or close your road. When each person plugged into that field attempt to max out their web connections you may also revel in a few slower web. As to your laptop, it does have some thing to do with it. Your internet browser has to load, and your laptop runs it. Viruses too can gradual down your laptop and soak up plenty of your web connection, making it seem gradual
bob b
2009-06-06 00:50:30 UTC
Try defragging it as files get fragmented and slow the computer down over time. Also try installing more RAM.
2009-06-06 01:00:28 UTC
How about upgrading the RAM? Or probably doing some registry clean-up?

I think those are some possible problems.
2009-06-06 07:34:12 UTC
Hi defrag in safe mode F8 your computer will be faster this way.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.