database: a comprehensive collection of related data organized for convenient access, generally in a computer.
table: an arrangement of words, numbers, or signs, or combinations of them, as in parallel columns, to exhibit a set of facts or relations in a definite, compact, and comprehensive form; a synopsis or scheme.
form: 1. mold, cast, cut. Form, figure, outline, shape refer to an appearance that can be recognized.Form, figure, and shape are often used to mean an area defined by contour without regard to other identifying qualities, as color or material. Outline refers to the line that delimits a form, figure, or shape: the outline of a hill. Form often includes a sense of mass or volume: a solid form. Shape may refer to an outline or a form: an “S” shape; a woman's shape. Figure often refers to a form or shape determined by its outline: the figure eight. Form and shape may also be applied to abstractions: the shape or form of the future. Form is applied to physical objects, mental images, methods of procedure, etc.; it is a more inclusive term than either shape or figure: the form of a cross, of a ceremony, of a poem. 5. model, pattern, jig. 9. sort, kind, order, type. 14. ceremony, ritual, formula, formality, rule. 16. blank. 19, 20. system, mode, practice, formula. 31. model, fabricate, mold, forge, cast, outline. 32. create. 34. systematize, dispose. 39. teach, educate, train.
query: A question; an inquiry.
A doubt in the mind; a mental reservation.
A notation, usually a question mark, calling attention to an item in order to question its validity or accuracy.
report: An account presented usually in detail.
A formal account of the proceedings or transactions of a group.
Law. A published collection of authoritative accounts of court cases or of judicial decisions. Often used in the plural.
Common talk; rumor or gossip: According to report, they eloped.
Reputation; repute: a person of bad report.
An explosive noise: the report of a rifle.
primary key:
The candidate key selected as being most
important for identifying a body of information (an entity,
object or record).