2012-08-06 19:34:55 UTC
I really need some advice please.
I have an oldish desktop computer running windows XP pack2 i think. Anyway ever since i bought a new keyboard on start up it would show up read on the screen "press F1 to continue or DEL for SETUP". I always just ignored it and presse3d the button then hear the beep from the computer.
Today, my computer had been on for a few days and i turned over the TV (connected to home tv) and it was asking me if i wanted to shut down. I thought my daughter had been pressing the button on the console. so i agreed the shutdown and restarted the computer. It got past the press F1 stage 3 times but just stayed black and never offered the click to logon to my account. so... on the 4th attempt i thought i'm going to have a look in the setup thingy and see if i can something that will correct these ongoing problems (recently if i plug ANYTHING into a USB the computer goes completely black and i have to turn it off by the power source) but tyhats another story i can live with. . So wheni'm in the startup setup menu I clicked something to enable secure startup or something like that. I noticed it was probasbly third option down on the left side and also had options on fans.
anyhow i closed saved changes etc.... then i proceeded to load only to find a new error message.............
PRESS F1 to skip warnign message or DEL to enter setup.
now nothing works. i press del nothing, F1 nothing, ALT, CTRL, DEL nothing.... nothing on the keyboard works to get past this message. so now i'm stick with a black screena nd red warning message......
I feel like chuckingb the thing in the bin but it's got lots of photos on the hard drive that i want. I guess I could remove the hard drive and probably use it at a later date somehow. but i'd just rather get into this machine somehow and remove everything as I feel it's death isn't too far away.
I opened the side case panel to se if there was anything i could do, but the only thing i recognised was dust!
please help.. eternally gratefull if you help resolve this.