Step 1. Grab the iPC 10.5.6 ISO and burn it at very low speed.
Step 2. Read this guide twice or thrice before getting started.
Step 3. Put your DVD in rom and restart your computer with the DVD in Drive,now you should see Darwin load screen.
Step 4. As counting starts press F8 key and you will be able to have some more option’s.
Step 5. Now type -V and press enter now entered in VERBOSE mode here you are able to see any error if your screen freezes for more than 15 minutes than note last three lines and Google them to find out a solution for your problem. If every thing goes fine after 15-30 minutes installation screen appears hold your breath we are not quit yet here.
Step 6. On the top a menu bar appears click Utilities >> Disk Utility.
Step 7. Here select the destination drive where u want to install Mac OSX.
Step 8. Now click on ERASE on right hand side and under the format option select
” MAC OSX Journaled Extended ” and click Erase. Now the disk will be erased and mounted once this done you are very near to near to your destination.
Step 9. Now close the disk utility and click on the partition which you created at previous Step.
Step 10. In Customize option select the following patches.
* Chipset Drivers >> Intel ICHx SATA Drivers
* Wireless Driver >> Broadcom Driver
* USB Drivers >> Patched USB Driver
* Power Management >> Clamshell Display Support
* Fixes and Patches >> USB Mount Fix
* PS/2 Device Support >> PS/2 Keyboard Fix
* DSDT Patches >> Patch DSDT
* AppleSMBIOS Patch >> AppleSMBIOS-27 Rev6 MacBook
Step 11. Now your disk will be checked for consistency than installation begins. It will take 30-45 minute’s as your hardware.
Step 12. Now that you’re done installing you can remove the disc and on the boot screen press “F8″ and type “-v -f” When the screen loads up it should just be a black screen, after this close the lid till you see the power light slowly “breathe” or pulse. When you open the lid you should be greeted with the Post-Install screen. Type all your info and stuff.
Step 13. From here you’re going to need the 535s Driver Pack