save this as c:\mingw\bin\fix-desktop.cpp and compile this with and comile as follows from a cmd shell::
cd \mingw\bin
g++ fix-desktop.cpp
(the above like will execute it.)
congrats, you have made your first c++ program. I may be able to port this to powershell at some point. there are better ways and rules to compile stuff than what I am saying here, but it gets the job done for now.
- use windows explorer
- windows explorer may have hung or died. use the link below to revive.
[I had to fix my code, just learned that there was a function I missed.]
Alejandro Ferry
2012-12-20 23:17:42 UTC
if you're using windows 7 ultimate that would be very easy,
just right click on the desktop and choose "personalize", a window will appear, and in the upper left corner you will find "desktop icons" just go into it and another window will appear, now tick the recycle bin click apply then you're done. i think will work also for some versions of windows 7 like professional and home premium.