Great! Then don't "switch to Linux"! INSTEAD, run Linux in the CDrom, whenever you want, like you would run a CDrom or a movie!
I really like Kubuntu, the Ubuntu that comes with KDE desktop instead of Gnome desktop! They are available as LiveCDroms, also! They'll mail you them, or you can DL.
Hey, GNU/Linux is all about the CHOICE of over 134,000 FREE games, programs, apps., science programs, Office Suites that read/write ALL Microsoft files back to 1986, and convert them to and from hundreds of file types! 1400 games, can run, as shown at
So, DO NOT INSTALL Linux, just run it in the CDROM!
I actually prefer because:
Like all the 'Nix OSes, it is IMMUNE to the "114,000 Microsoft Virus Definitions"! AND:
1. PCLOS can boot in the CD, run in RAM disc, with 1900 games, programs, apps.
2. PCLOS is a genuine concurrent multi-processing, multi-tasking Operating System. Imagine 4,000 parallel turnstiles in the Subway, letting people surge straight onto the trains.
3. PCLOS gives you the standard of 20 individual and separate desktops with up to 200 windows open in each one, all 4,000 running and processing at THE SAME TIME!!!
Check email while you play Atlantik (networked monopoly!) and play kRISK against the computer, while your firefox browser is letting a search conclude on Desktop # 7, and a VOIP phone call is working on Desk #8.
4. Full docs come with it, and, when you are ready, and have read them, an INSTALL will give you the FULL repository of games, programs, applications! Install typically takes 20-40 minutes and any Pentium with 128 Mb of RAM, and 6Gb of drive space, will do it. ALL DRIVERS are automatically included.
If you need help, the Forums are FREE!
Remember Microsoft? All the Microsoft products, like XP, Vista, run consecutively, one bit through the single turnstile at a time. If you are on a multi-core processor, then you get to run two turnstiles at intervals set by each clock tick. Whoop-de-doo!
Remember, all 500+ Unix clones, like GNU/Linx and *BSD, run 4,000 parallel 'turnstiles', and the workload is divided in half, when multi-cores are available!
Benchmark testing proves that the 'Nix OS processes upto 50 times faster than Microsoft on the same machine!
Oh, about all the windows lusers above this post who advised you to 'Run and Hide' from Linux, well, they aren't half as bright as my 2nd grade students at Eastbrook Elementary School!
Oops! That makes them seem like they have IQ's of 40! I am sure they aren't that stupid, just ignorant... hope they can read!