You have only one processor with 4 processor cores.
A quad core processor is a central processing unit, or CPU, that uses four distinct cores, which are rings of magnetic material that read and execute instruction sets within a CPU. Other CPU components, in comparison, carry instructions to and carry results out of CPUs. The main benefits of a quad core processor over a processor that has fewer cores -- such as a dual or single core processor -- stem from the fact that the quad core processor can divide processing work between more components.
Multitasking, or running multiple computer software programs simultaneously, is not beyond the capabilities of dual core processors. However, when users run multiple, "intense" programs with dual core processors -- such as video games, video encoding programs and other programs that use up lots of resources -- computer performance can suffer. This is because dual core processors can only divide computer operations between two cores, or mini operating stations. In comparison, quad core processors can divide operations between four cores. This allows a quad core processor to dedicate more processing power from individual cores to individual programs. For example, a quad core processor could dedicate one core to a video-editing program, a second core to a Web browser, a third core to a word processor and a fourth core to a virus-scanning program.
Video Encoding
A quad core processor is better equipped for video encoding than a dual or single core processor. Video encoding refers to the storing, transmitting and interpreting of video files; it's an especially important function for computer users who regularly upload DVDs and Blu-ray discs onto their hard drives, as well as for users who regularly burn movies and videos onto recordable discs. Quad core processors are more efficient at the task of video encoding, as video encoding relies heavily on single instruction multiple data, or SIMD, instruction sets. Processing SIMD instruction sets requires the use of multiple processing components, which are necessary for applying the same operations to multiple units of data. Due to their additional cores, quad core processors can more easily apply these operations than their dual and single core counterparts.
3D Rendering
3D, or three-dimensional, rendering refers to the process of a computer graphically interpreting and representing 3D data in two dimensions. In comparison to single and dual core processors, quad core processors provide superior 3D rendering, which allows for on-screen computer graphics that are more realistic. As is the case with video encoding, quad core is a superior processing technology for 3D rendering because 3D rendering relies heavily on SIMD instruction sets.
Gaming Benefits
Apart from being able to provide superior 3D graphics, a quad core processor can enhance other aspects of computer video gaming -- provided that the game a user is playing has been developed specifically four a quad core processor-based system. Because quad core processors have those four mini processing stations or cores within them, game developers can dedicate certain types of game data to specific cores. For example, one core could process graphics, another could process audio, another could process game physics and another could process artificial gaming intelligence.