Ok don't blast me if you've already done this, but you haven't said what you've tried! lol
Click the Start button, type restore in the search bar and click on System Restore. Pick a date before the problem and confirm.
On start up (before Windows loads) keep tapping either F5, F8 or F10 (be aware that some manufacturers use F8/F10 for system recovery) then use arrow keys to highlight 'Last known good configuration' hit Enter/Return, click on a user account, enter the password (if you don't know it, there probably isn't one so leave it blank) and hit return/enter.
If that doesn't work, try again, but this time highlight 'Safe Mode' hit Enter/Return, click on a user account, enter the password (if you don't know it, there probably isn't one so leave it blank) and hit enter/return.
A window will pop up asking if you want to carry on with safe mode or use system restore. Choose system restore, pick a date and time before the problem occurred and confirm.
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