2010-04-21 00:21:02 UTC
I think this started when I ran the Mount&Blade game and it closed automatically, telling me Data Execution Prevention (DEP) closed it... (This had never happened when I'd run it many times earlier.)
I've observed the Task Manager for sometime, and found a few processes always taking up high CPU--
1. svchost.exe (SYSTEM) around 50%
2. System (SYSTEM) around 10%
3. Apart from these, from the time I logon, any one process (eg. GrooveMonitor.exe) goes to around 45% from 0%. When I end this process, (it's USER RUN process, so no harm to PC if I end it), another process (eg. sspdfagentd.exe) previously at 0% goes up to 45%, when I close it, another goes up and it continues until I close every process except explorer.exe, csrss.exe, and winlogon.exe remain. Still 100% remains. wuaudlt.exe (Windows Update) reopens everytime I close it...
Now even Microsof Office 2007, Adobe PDF Reader 9.0 (due to DEP), have stopped working!! I'm thinking of formatting my PC when I get time.
But that'll have to wait as I've got exams coming up. So could any1 suggest what to do in the meantime??? Can someone help me??? Thanks in advance!!