Easy...your dad screwed up your registry...the key that tells windows "how" to open the program. Unless you have created a restore point in the past, there is nothing you can do to restore it. However, you can re-make those entries.
What this will do is it will fix the unknown association, and redirect them to wordpad. However, it seems your problem is in the EXE file system. To correct that, there is a very simple program that you can run to fix that.
Download the file here: http://www.winhelponline.com/downloadattachment.php?aId=0c29b045a103b7542fac32bb2e06f44a&articleId=165
Then, Save the file to your desktop (transfer it on a thumbdrive from a different computer if you need to) and right click, and select merge. Then you should be all fixed.
If that doesn't fix the problem then try reasigning the shell to open exe and unknown files:
Your registry key should look like for unknown files:
@="Open with Notepad"
To check if this will solve your problem, click start -> Run -> Type REGEDIT
Then locate these files and make sure they are assigned correctly (or even there)
If they are not there, add them!