2011-10-28 12:04:15 UTC
2. What are the four tags you need in a properly formatted HTML file (hint: one telling the browser the file is HTML, one for the header, one for the title, and one for the body of the page)?
3. What are the two extensions you can use to save an HTML file?
4. What does WYSIWYG stand for? Give two examples of WYSIWYG applications.
5. Explain what HTML tags are.
6. What is an HTML element?
7. What is an HTML attribute?
8. Please give the HTML tag/attribute for the following:
1. Heading 1-6:
2. Table:
3. Horizontal Rule:
4. Paragraphs:
5. Line Break:
6. Image
7. Bulleted List:
8. Numbered List:
9. Hyperlink:
10. Bold Text:
11. Italic Text:
9. What is CSS?
10. List some problems with HTML that CSS solves.
11. What is the CSS Syntax? Give an example and explain its parts.
12. What are three ways of inserting CSS? Given an example of how to apply each.
13. Please give the CSS selector, property and value for the following:
1. Background Color:
2. Text Color:
3. Font Family:
4. Font Size: