well lets cut all the crap all you need is to flash bios which is simple just follow it ;
Follow these steps:
1. Create a bootable diskette. Please go to www.bootdisk.com and download drdflash.exe file.
use DRDFLASH.EXE to create a
bootable diskette. Leave the diskette in the drive.
2. Go to motherboard manufacturers website and download the correct bios available save the file and copy the bin file in your floppy.
3. Shutdown and reboot your machine. Press DEL key at the Motherboard logo or at the "Press TAB to
show POST screen, DEL to enter SETUP" message. At the main BIOS menu, select Advanced BIOS Feature,
press ENTER key. Set "First Boot Device" to "Floppy". Then press F10 key and Y, ENTER key to save the
BIOS settings. Leave the floppy in the drive and let it boots to the A:\>
4. From A:\> type DIR to list all the files and then type in AWDFLASH XXXXXXX.BIN or AFU836 XXXXXXX.BIN
and then press the ENTER key. The XXXXXXX.BIN is the file name of the BIOS file you downloaded. Enter
from the directory listing.
5. The AwardBIOS Flash Utility screen will appear and prompt you to save your current BIOS. Press Y to
save the current BIOS. Name it OLD and press ENTER key. Your system will back up your current BIOS to
your're A drive under the OLD.BIN file name.
6. When done saving the current BIOS, press Y to update the BIOS.
7. When prompted to do so, remove the floppy diskette and then press F1 to reset your system. Note the
new BIOS number on the initial boot up screen.
well thats simple just update your bios with correct version.