If I'm buying a used computer, how fast should the processor be?
2006-01-24 04:24:09 UTC
for MS Word, basic web browsing (DSL) and MS Money.
Two answers:
2006-01-24 04:30:02 UTC
well if you need it just for the applications that you wrote about any speed over 1GZ would be more than ennough,however you should keep in mind that these programs in their new versions require more and more resources so my advice is to go for at least 1.5 GZ and something like 256 or 512 RAM and at least 10 GB hard drive. I hope i helped you.
2006-01-24 04:25:03 UTC
go for a P3 or an equivalent. I'm still using that. But P4s aren't so expensive these days.

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