2009-08-04 04:19:09 UTC
I bought an aftermarket v-card (BFG 9800gt) ..I was a bit concerned that it would bottleneck my computer, and I have a really good idea that it is.
For an example, running TF2 I get 100-120 FPS without any action or other people on the screen, soon as I see someone it drops to 50-60, then in battle, 20-30 fps. It's playable, but somewhat disappointing.
I have a decent idea on what my computer specs are, but not detailed.
MSI V-tech mobo with a 7750 dual core processor (my bottleneck?)
2 gig ram...not sure the brand or speeds,ddr2 I believe.
9800 gt 1gb (eco version)
550 watt ps (believe its a BFG as well)
I run my video card on high performance with AA/AF off etc...
The game is set to "autoconfig" 1024res not much turned on etc..
Is there another processor I can replace my 7750 with that will help? more Ram?
thinking its impossible to put a quad-core processor in replace of the 7750 without buying a new mobo..
anyways, your thoughts please! :)