I fortunately bought two HP Laptop computer, with windows 8 installed on them, The first thing I did when I got them home was to jail break windows 8 and install Linux OS on them. Linux is Faster, Superior and far more Advanced and very easy to use, it works just like windows does, It's Point and Click the mouse button, What people don't know about W8 is that it's locked down so that it will only run W8 software, Users can't download and install what they want, I'm not going to go through all the details of W8 only to say that MS are going to be charging you an annual fee to use the software you have bought, and charge you for all the software updates and upgrades.
Now is the time to start Learning that windows is NOT the only computer operating system in the world Like I said I use Linux OS which is up to date October 2013, I also run Linux on a 13yr old Dell Laptop which can't run W8,
Visit these website and you will see what Linux can do that W8 can't do, if you like what you see then download it and install it on your new windows 8 system
For the latest Free Linux releases check this web link out
For over 43,600 Free Professional application software packages for free Linux operating systems check this web link out
If you want ot know more you can message me click on my name and send a message I will tell you how to jail break W8.
and your internet connection will be faster