2008-01-23 06:07:20 UTC
Windows Vista Ultimate
M2N32- SLI Deluxe
AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual core processor 6000+
2 GB Ram
NVIDIA Geforce 8500 GT
320GB Digital Western HDD
Alright. heres the problem. My system freezes, to the point where Nothing will work except the Power button , or the Reset button on my Case.It happens when Im watching a Movie, Full Screen or not. When im editing in Photoshop, Playing a Game,or when the Screen saver comes on . And sometimes when im just playing music. when any of the above happens these Redish Dots, or lines of dots scatter around my screen and freeze , the sound Repeats the last half second of music or whatever sound was playing for eternity.
I have Updated ALL of my drivers , and even FLashed My Bios.
Im starting to get REALLY pissed off at my computer. I have NO idea whats wrong. can Anyone help me.
Thank you for reading .