2008-03-31 17:41:28 UTC
AMD Athlon 64 X2 6400+ - Replaced Once
500W PSU-Never Replased or Tested
Xfx Nvidea 8600 GT- Works has been tested in another computer.
Gskill- DDR2 800
I bought the above parts on Newegg and put together the computer. First attempt there was boot up, all the fans turned on but there was no visuals at all. The pereferal divices such as keyboard, mouse and Flash USB drive where tested for power and none responded what so ever. Thinking simply it was a CPU or Motherboard problem I sent the CPU back tested the new one, same problem, sent the Motherboard back, same problem. Im thinking most likely it is a PSU problem but I tested the voltage of the 4 Prong that helps the Cpu and it read fine. Plugs appear to be in place correctly and the videocard has the extra power going to it from the perferial plug. No responce from audio or video still. I think this is a PSU problem but am not shure. Along with testing the PSU what other thing could this problem be?