2013-11-21 08:55:35 UTC
For example, once upon a time I filled out a dating website and I answered all kinds of questions about what kind of partner I'd like. You could label some traits as "preferred' and other traits as "deal-breakers".
I wish there was a computer shopping website that did this for computers! I have specs I "prefer" in a computer and other specs that are "deal-breakers".
When shopping on any of these computer websites (newegg, tigerdirect, amazon, etc) I'm constantly having to readjust stuff, and some options I wish I could list as "preferred" instead of "deal-breaker". I wish I could include and exclude different specs better. I always eventually find something I like, but it takes days of wading thru crap because the search features aren't specific enough.
I think having a profile would solve these problems. The business could find out the types of specs the customers most want and sell this info to manufacturers etc. And the customers could find computers and look at ads they are most interested in. The computers don't have to match exactly to the personal profile specs. It's just a way to more easily find computers similar to what you want.
What do you guys think about this? Would this be a great idea for that "middle class" of people who do care about specs, but don't want to build their own?
This "middle class" covers a very large range, from the people who just barely know they want a certain amount of RAM, to the other end of the spectrum where they want to be much more specific.