You say you're running off it... do you work on it? That's the part that's driving me crazy. That's the part that's driven me across the line to go Online. I think at this point I could design a web page faster than I could figure out how to get the type of header I want in Word 2007. I need twine to roll behind me as I wander haplessly trying to figure out the labyrinthine pathways simply trying to find where different processes are sequestered -- oh, not even that fancy. I just want to be able to set up bare-bones configurations so that I can do what I want to do w/out Windows constantly trying to wrench control from my hands. Options for folders, subfolders, defaults, etc., are squirreled all over the place like Easter Eggs.
Easter Eggs in July, that is, after having remained hidden long enough to become stinky. I keep fighting to view navigation paths, maintain screen sizes, move around in files (but that's the new laptop no mouse frustration), etc.. Whenever I do run across a new cache of default options, I can't find them again when the system reverts back to ITS way which is constantly. It tells me that the NVIDIA system is sucking me dry of speed and memory, even though I have tons of memory. I think I fouled up the little HP D:/ restore file partition by shoving a back-up filled with a lot of programs in there. It gives me specific error codes to check which are not documented on any of its Help resources -- and I hate the Help system -- they might as well be talking Australian for as much sense as they makes (that's a joke).
It won't allow me to see my user names (much less passwords) from websites it will fill in, and is constantly unloosing IE8 to fight with Mozilla until my programs or pages wink ofr the computer freezes. Everything is draped n the inscrutability of toggles and templates....
Oh. You get the drift. Fires, earthquakes, plagues of toads, IT people being seized and out-sourced , capricious access, memory, and logout problems, incorrect heiirarchy or authority, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse rampaging across Ragnorok until I was left abandoned., huddled in a cave with only this laptop and 437 Twinkies.
There are 132 Twinkies left.
That's my experience