Here are the steps outlined to stop your computer from freezing:
A) Disable Unused Ports:
Disable unused ports of your computer. If you don't have input devices that are connected to one of your USBs or COM ports, disabling them will give you an extra performance boost in booting.
1. Click Start | Control Panel.
2. Click System and Security.
3. Click "Device Manager" in the "System" category.
4. Right click an unused port, and select "Disable" option. Confirm the change.
B) Reduce the Number of Background Services:
Verify only required & essential services are running when your computer is turned on. For example, only services from Microsoft and your antivirus software are running. To do so, download Reginout Services Optimizer, click the button "Optimize Services".
C) Enable Advanced Write Caching Feature:
Make Advanced Write Caching features enabled as shown here:
1. Open Device Manager as shown in the above procedure.
2. Expand your the "Disk Drives" option.
3. Right click your hard disk, and select Properties.
4. In the new dialog, mark the following check boxes as checked:
a. Enable write caching on the disk
b. Enable advanced performance
5. Click OK.
D) Disable Indexing the Files on your Hard Disk:
Turn off indexing the files as outlined below:
1. Open My Computer, right click a disk drive, and select Properties option.
2. In the General tab, mark the box "Allow files on this drive to have contents indexed.." as unchecked.
3. Click Apply | OK.